People with excessive abdominal fat around the stomach and abdomen are suffering from Abdominal Obesity and likely to have health problems. Abdominal obesity is different from general obesity. People with abdominal conditions may have a normal body mass index (BMI) but suffer from an excessive accumulation Of visceral fat around the waist causing 'beer belly' or 'spare tyre'. Although BMI used to measure body fat therefore it is in effective to evaluate the overall body composition. The health risk of Abdominal Obesity is comparable to obesity. What is Abdominal Obesity? People with abdominal obesity will have the body type of “apple-shaped”, or “pear-shaped” and usually appeared in the middle age. Men always suffer from Apple-shaped body type which the fat deposited around the pelvis or hip while women Commonly have the pear-shaped body type. In recent studies found that men at the age group of 30-40 years old started to suffer abdominal obesity wh