Anterior prone bone spurs neck

Many people will ignore the daily activities of the position, such as prolonged bow play mobile phones, computer and review, half-sit half-way, leading to the head is not normal forward, the cervical spine due to degradation, which may make your bone early proliferation , Suffering from bone spurs. Bone spurs are usually found in middle-aged or older people over the age of 45, and more men than women, especially the use of heavy lumbar activity of heavy manual workers and athletes susceptible to the disease. With increasing age and incorrect posture, some people have had spur older than 30 years old.

What is Spur is 
Spur, also known as "bone hyperplasia," is a common degenerative orthopedic disease. The most common in the cervical spine, lumbar spine, knee, hip, elbow and other joints. However, in recent years, there are also signs of rejuvenation. Bone spurs do not press on nerve lines or muscle tissue, and generally do not cause pain. However, if the bone spines to the cervical spine, apart from neck pain, it can also cause hand numbness and cold hands. As for the compression of the lumbar spine nerve, it can cause back pain and foot pain. To prevent bone spurs, we must pay attention to the daily correct posture, but also pay attention to eating habits and appropriate exercise, so as to avoid the pain caused by spur.

Causes of spur
Between the joints of the human body, it will bear the weight of the body and the pressure of activities. As age increases, the bearing capacity of the joint weakens, the edges of the cartilage and joints tend to wear out, and the soft tissues near the joint, such as the ligaments, gradually calcify and harden, forming bone hyperplasia or spurs.

In particular, the quality of the protein in the intervertebral disc decreases with age. It is more difficult to retain the water, so that the disc can not normally bear the weight, and the weight is transferred to the cervical joint so as to increase the joint load, for example, the posture is poor or excessively strained and the load is greater. Lead to bone spurs and other issues.

Spur formation

When the articular cartilage abrades, the body tries to grow new cartilage to help with joint activities. However, the nascent cartilage quality is poor and it is easily abraded. Therefore, the body naturally excretes calcium to supplement it, causing cartilage calcification and osteoarthritis.

Spur-related pain and general muscle pain are different

Muscle pain usually involves a certain range of muscles, when stretching action, there will be tension, pain, but the pain will be relieved after the heat.
If a bone spur joint pain, it will focus on a certain point, when the joint activities or pressure will feel pain.

Increase spur risk factors

Obese people
Because of its spine or body bone and joint to bear a lot of weight, excessive compression of bones and soft tissue, will accelerate the proliferation of bone hyperplasia, nerve lines easily under pressure, more likely to suffer from bone spurs than most people.

Incorrect posture
Some people who work constantly (such as bending over and picking up something) have a greater chance of spur formation, excessive labor among the joints, or improper posture for prolonged periods of time (such as half-sitting and seated sitting) Spur will be more easily irregular growth, more easily pressed to the nerve tissue, as time passes, suffering from spur who do some simple actions, such as a slight bend can cause pain.

Long time  long-term forward

Long-term neck leaning, such as bow head use of electronic products such as (cell phones, computers). If the time is too long without rest, will aggravate the stress of individual joints of the neck. When the neck muscles over tense, the distance between the cervical joint and the joint will be closer, the spur will have the opportunity to pressure the nerve line caused by pain.

Compression nerve paralysis caused by pain

  • Spur itself does not necessarily cause pain, if not pressed nerve root or spinal cord nerve, it will not bring pain.
  • However, the location of spur growth, wrong compression of the nerve line of the cervical spine, can cause upper limb paralysis, pain and other symptoms, pain can be extended from the neck to the fingers. Once pressed against the spinal cord, the ability to affect mobility will make hands and feet inflexible or weak.
  • Spur itself does not necessarily cause pain, if not pressed nerve root or spinal cord nerve, it will not bring pain.

Spur treatment

Medication: mild patients can be anti-inflammatory analgesic treatment. Drug treatment such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - analgesic, anti-inflammatory and swelling of the efficacy, but the efficacy varies depending on the person and condition, can cause side effects such as stomach upset, stomach ulcer and bleeding.

Physical Therapy: Hot compress - to increase the blood circulation in the affected area and relax the soft tissue that is tightened due to the self-protection mechanism. Shortwave, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, vectorial interference waves and the like also help reduce the symptoms of inflammation.

Myoelectricity at home: relax the tense tendon at home and relieve the pain.

Surgery: If the bone spurs grow a wide range and stimulate the surrounding soft tissue, then the spine may be surgically removed.

Stretching soothes muscle tension

Neck stretching exercise
■ right hand placed in the head, elbow flexion, left hand pull the right hand to the left to feel taut, for 10 seconds; left and right hands to do each exchange 3 times a group of 2 to 3 groups.

■ left hand placed on the right shoulder, right hand will pull the left elbow to the right shoulder to tighten the feeling, hold for 10 seconds, left and right hands to do each exchange 3 times a group of 2 to 3 groups.

■ tighten the chin, the head slowly down to the feeling of tension, for 5 seconds; and then slowly upward, the same for 5 seconds; during which fingers can hold the chin light fixed action; do 3 to 5 times per hour.

Office workers should be every 45 minutes to 1 hour, for a stretch exercise, as simple as the neck to the left and right side can be, stretch the shoulder can relieve muscle tension.

Do more exercise, swimming, yoga, tai chi and other body movement activities, can enhance the flexibility of bone and joint and muscle, prevent bone and joint problems.

Pay attention to daily diet

More intake of foods rich in antioxidants
To prevent the destruction of free radicals, reduce inflammation, accelerate the recovery and strengthen the formation of gum.

Food sources: such as papaya, mango, melon, grape, pineapple, banana, strawberry, tomato, potato, cabbage and so on.

Eat more calcium foods
To ensure the normal needs of bone metabolism. Elderly calcium intake should be increased by about 50% compared with the average adult, that is, daily calcium absorption of not less than 1200 mg.

Food sources: dairy products, eggs, soy products, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits.

Eat more foods rich in vitamin D

Food sources: cabbage, chestnut, mussels, most green leafy vegetables, kelp, oats, salmon, sardines, seaweed, sesame, shrimp, soybeans, tofu, radish leaves and wheat germ.

Strong bones of nuts and seeds

Seeds contain large amounts of protein and unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, in many ways beneficial to bone health, can balance the inflammation, can help improve osteoporosis. Potassium, which can stop the loss of calcium from the urine.

Nuts also contain proteins and other nutrients that are important in building healthy bones.

Foods to avoid
Avoid sugar, wine, coffee. These substances will hinder the recovery process, interfere with the body's mineral balance.

Protect bone health, prevent bone hyperplasia, in addition to adjusting good habits, but also pay attention to nutrient absorption, maintain proper exercise habits, more activities and reduce sedentary, to help the body's recovery to maintain normal

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