A life-threatening respiratory disease - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), referred to as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), is a condition in which pulmonary ventilation disorders caused by inhalation of harmful gases or dusts are caused, resulting in dyspnea. The current global incidence continues to rise as an incurable and deteriorating disease. According to World Health Organization data, in 2015, an estimated 3.17 million people died of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease worldwide, equivalent to 5% of all deaths worldwide in the same year.

What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Respiratory system caused by long-term damage caused by obstruction and narrowing of the respiratory tract, so that the human body is difficult to exhale exhaled and inhaled air, leading to asthma, hypoxia, cough and other symptoms, and even affect the general daily activities of patients. Including chronic bronchitis with obstructive airflow, obstructive emphysema, and chronic asthma that is not treated properly for long periods of time.

Emphysema - The enlargement and destruction of the alveoli located at the end of a bronchioles, reducing the area for gas exchange in the lungs, resulting in reduced oxygen supply to the bloodstream and the efficient removal of carbon dioxide.

Chronic bronchitis - refers to the bronchial mucosal inflammation due to infection or non-infectious factors, increased mucus secretion and block the respiratory tract, cough, asthma and other symptoms. It is noteworthy that the lung tissue and functional damage and can not be completely restored, so chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can not be completely cured.

Risk factors for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  • Long-term smoking
  • Long-term inhaled second-hand smoke
  • Air pollution
  • Indoor pollution
  • Long-term inhalation of smoke and chemicals in the work environment
  • Congenital anti-protease deficiency, and genetic

Long-term smoking has a greater chance of causing emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smoking has been identified as a major cause of COPD. Add smoking will reduce the body's oxygen content, cigarettes or other cigarette-burning chemicals generated when the lung tissue damage and lead to respiratory inflammation.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease symptoms

The patient initially or will not notice any symptoms, but as the condition deepens, first there will be more phlegmatic cough or shortness of breath. With the deepening of the illness, the patient will have the following symptoms, but the specific symptoms vary from person to person:

  • Chronic cough (usually the first symptom)
  • Asthma
  • Frequent sputum
  • Shortness of breath gradually increased, physically easy to consume
  • Often feel tired
  • thin
  • Sleeping when lying flat shortness of breath, often wake up at midnight

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with chest pain or hemoptysis rarely, if this situation may be another disease or both suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other diseases.

Patients have severe winter symptoms and may experience "major episode" two or more times a year, presenting with more serious symptoms.

Medical Treatement

Drugs improve the symptoms of patients, mainly to reduce the impact on the patient's daily life

  • Tracheal relaxant
  • Steroid
  • antibiotic
  • Phlegm medicine

Some patients with severe emphysema may require surgery to remove part of the lungs.

  • Rehabilitation treatment
  • Long-term oxygen therapy
  • Sports Training
  • Breathing training

What are the complications of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

  • Susceptible to bacterial infection in the lungs
  • hypertension
  • heart disease
  • Lung cancer
  • Depression

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease prevention and daily care

Do not smoke or quit immediately: Non-smokers should avoid long-term exposure to secondhand smoke

Pay attention to occupational safety: Avoid working environment A long time inhalation of smoke and chemicals, such as long-term exposure to dust on the job, should wear a mask.

Be aware of air quality: Avoid outdoor activities on days when air pollution is a serious problem

Regular exercise: exercise can exercise the patient's physical fitness and endurance, but the patient should be due to personal circumstances. If necessary, check with your doctor and physical therapist.

Pay attention to diet: eat less irritating foods such as too cold or too hot food, reduce the stimulation of the throat caused by cough; pursue low salt, low fat, high fiber diet, reduce the burden on the heart and kidneys and enhance lung health.

Healthy lung diet

Nuts, seeds
Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and prevent the pressure of lung oxidation. Nuts, seeds rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, other sources such as deep-sea fish, including salmon, saury, mackerel and so on.

Whole grains
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) states that high levels of vitamin B in the blood can permanently reduce the risk of lung cancer. Vitamin B group from the daily diet, can also help digestion and stabilize the nervous system, vitamin B group exists in the seeds, fish, lean meat, eggs, whole grains and so on.

Brown rice
Mayo Medical Center, the United States pointed out that brown rice is rich in mineral selenium and vitamin E, can improve lung health. People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) tend to have low selenium and vitamin E levels. Vitamin E can also improve asthma symptoms. Other rich sources are nuts, seeds.

Cruciferous vegetables
Because cauliflower is rich in vitamin C, potassium and magnesium, but also rich in carotene and flavonoids are two powerful antioxidants, can prevent lung cancer.

Beta carotene food
The National Cancer Institute has suggested that beta-carotene-rich foods can prevent lung cancer, including carrots, all kinds of mauve vegetables such as purple cabbage, eggplant and so on, which can also relieve bronchitis and asthma Symptoms.

British middle St. George Hospital Affiliated School of Medicine study of 2500 middle-aged men found that eating at least five apples a week than those who did not eat, breathing between the lungs more efficient operation.

Can prevent tracheobronchial infection and inflammation, citrus fruits are also rich in antioxidants, can prevent the production of free radicals in the lungs. Can prevent lung cancer and improve symptoms of obstructive pneumonia and asthma.

Drink plenty of water to discharge poison, but also to keep the nasal wet.

AXXA SO Plus Seed Oil is produced using non-genetically engineered, nutrient-rich seeds via NatureFRESH Cold Press ™, an exclusive, patented cold press technology. Each serving is rich in essential fatty acids (Omega 3 and 6) and a super antioxidant derived from plant seed oil and seed meal to provide you with the multiple nutrients your body needs to boost your immune system, Balance body inflammation, anti-aging, to maintain a healthy and energetic lifestyle.


World Health Organization

Hospital Authority

Projections of Global Mortality and Burden of disease from 2002 to 2030.
Mathers CD, Loncar D. PLoS Medicine. 2006 Nov 28; 209-224.

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